Dear budding writers,
This is a joint-post by the members of the EYES CLUB–A club of ‘HONEST REVIEWERS’:
First Members:
1) A-E1: Srivalli Rekha Mantrala
2) A-E2: Birendra Agrawal
3) A-E3: Shivani Salil and
4) A-E4: Divisha Agrawal Mittal
Only for serious writers who are inclined to learn and ready to take up challenges.
Not for those who see writing only as fun or time-pass.
We have been been officially appointed as the founding members of the EYES CLUB.
We thank team ArtoonsInn for this honour as well as for the noble responsibility that comes attached with it.
Eyes Club is one of the judgment panels. Technically, therefore, our reviews shall be given more weightage in deciding the winner of a writing event. So persuade yourself to take us seriously, even if you may not like us much personally. (Just kidding, we all love each other here).
So, we are ‘Honest Reviewers’. But we are no experts. We already have a club of expert reviewers. THE WINGS CLUB. Shankar Hosagoudar, Nagamani Kuchimanchi and Raj Kumar are its members. Be guided by them if you really want to improve. Read, value and follow each word of their review on your story. You will see yourself improving. They are the writer makers here.
We have been selected for our ‘Honest Reviewing’.
“Honest Reviewing!?” What’s this, you might ask or even, “Can a review be dishonest too?”
I can’t say anybody is dishonest here but yes, some do love you, may be because they are your friends or fans. And they always want you to win and rejoice. And in their love for you they often get carried away by emotions and what you get is unmeant ‘DISHONEST REVIEW’. I will want to desist from calling it flattery but it certainly is FAVOURITISM.
Will it help you? This favouritism! No, it will certainly not help you. You might win a contest or two but what about the hearts of your readers? Will you win that too? Overly praises and high ratings from friends might encourage you to write more and more. But what about QUALITY?
Remember, only CRITICAL REVIEWS and not ‘Charitable Reviews’ can help you polish your work. They help you to know where you fall short. Where and how you might make your work better. What your strength and weakness are. This is what is called ‘Constructive Criticism’. Take it in the right spirit and see yourself growing.
It may sometimes happen, that you are too convinced about the greatness of your work to be able to agree with these critical reviews. No issues. In such cases, just ignore the reviews and move on.
‘Charitable Reviews’ are detrimental to your dream of becoming good writers. Instead of helping, they rather stunt your creative skills. Do you want this for yourself? ArtoonsInn doesn’t want this to happen. Hence, the Expert Reviewers Club- The WINGS and under its guidance the EYES.
Therefore all ye promising writers, give us an opportunity to help you and brace yourself for all those frownings and frettings when you see low ratings by us even as you dance with pride and joy by those ‘flattering reviews’.
Therefore, in essence, Our fundamental ROLE is to counter-balance the negative effects of Favouritism and ‘Flattering Reviews’ upon you and your writing and thereby shield you from misguidance. We are here to encourage you albeit in a rational way.
If there are just FOUR Honest Reviewers here? What about others, are they not honest?
Ha! Ha! cute rumination!
There are of course, several more ‘honest and helpful reviewers’ though they are not officially named. Through your keen insight, sincerity and experience you’ll get to know who the other ‘honest reviewers’ are. Even we look up to and learn from their reviews. I won’t name those great reviewers for a reason. I leave it up to you to realize the difference between ‘honest’ and ‘dishonest’ reviewing and identify who is helping you and who is not. After all, you are matured enough.
Finally friends, we too are writers like you. We also want to rise and shine. So please, do not forget to READ, REVIEW and RATE (i.e; ‘Rulfy’) our stories. That’s a rule too which shall soon be followed strictly, hopefully. Also do the same for other participants too and help them.
So, that’s it.
Looking forward to reading great pieces from you.
Glory to the Art of Creative Writing
Glory to ArtoonsInn
Wish you All the Best