I woke up to the lovely rhythmic noise made by…
Drama Fantasy Humour Invisible Out of Sight
The sun’s rays beamed through the window pane over Kartik’s…
0 132 0September 10, 2019 -
ArttrA-3 Fable Fantasy Fiction Horror Humour Watchers Pick 200 years of (Soul)itude
Tonight is the night of the blood moon. A Shaman…
0 123 0August 13, 2019 -
Five00-7 Humour Watchers Pick Go Fish!
“I will never lie anymore, Ralph. I promise you. Just…
0 168 0August 4, 2019 -
Fiction Five00-7 Humour Watchers Pick Buckroo’s Mane Bane!
“I’ll get’em scamps one day.” Police Constable Buckroo bellowed, as…
0 181 0August 4, 2019 -
Five00-7 Humour Watchers Pick Piles of Mortification
“Sit quietly!” I said, “Giggling? You idiot.” It was Bablu…
0 147 0August 3, 2019 -
Black Sheep Drama Fantasy Humour Legends Of Paralysis and Loose Motions
January, 2217 The teams were ready. This was the most…
0 195 0June 19, 2019 -
Fantasy Humour MotherEarth TIME TO DANCE
‘Sudden gusts of winds and the rising waves in the…
0 150 0April 19, 2019 -
Five00-6 Humour The Choice Sam fox
Touch Me ‘Touch me, touch me I want to feel…
0 169 0April 8, 2019 -
Claws Club Fantasy Humour The Trial Sins And Virtues
I have been confined to this court room for almost…
0 178 0April 5, 2019 -
Five00-6 Humour The Choice The King’s Pride
A red flag was waved when the king woke up….
0 172 0April 4, 2019 -
Claws Club Five00-5 Humour Whose Life is it anyway
I tell you, it was all in self defence. To…
0 169 0January 5, 2019 -
Claws Club Five00-5 Humour Skirmish to Annihilation
There she was, mangled and distorted beyond recognition, laid out…
0 130 0January 2, 2019 -
Five00-4 Humour For Christ’s Sake!
Alpana was putting away the breakfast dishes into the sink…
0 116 0November 8, 2018 -
Five00-4 Humour Trapped into It
“Come this way,” whispered my elder sister as she pulled…
0 150 0November 3, 2018