She is a fine woman
The riffraff stop to watch her, call in jest
Like every single woman put to the test
They know her love is not for sale
She will never fail him, that they know
The day he returns to shore
The mother of a seaman’s child
Is waiting for him inside that front door
She is his moral compass
On the waterfronts of the world, he does not stray
She guides him like a star in her thoughts and prays
Helps him make it through the day
He aches for her at night like never before
He doesn’t ask for more
Just that the mother of a seaman’s child
Remembers him each time the oceans roar
When the day is done
After the piles of laundry and dishes are stacked away
She tucks her little boy in bed and stays
Till he sails on the sea of dreams
She longs for cosy days with her man
Who understands
That the mother of a seaman’s child
Yearns to walk with him hand in hand
He dreams of a day when
Sunlight will reflect on their silver hair
But right now there is cause for despair
She listens when he tells her
That as much of his earnings that he sends
They’ve less to spend
But the mother of a seaman’s child
Swears to love and abide till the end
She is his harbour
When life becomes a storm she is the boat
That saves him from drowning, keeps him afloat
In the wind that howls she’s the gentle centre
An anchor that keeps him from drifting alone
In a gentle tone
The mother of a seaman’s child
Gives a love that lives on past these mortal bones…